Tag: handwriting

  • Blue Revelry Ink Swatching

    Blue Revelry Ink Swatching

    Watch video here: https://youtube.com/shorts/6rimWFe-3xg?si=QrgH4XVZF-iWOA64 Blue Revelry ink swatching. Love this shade of blue. Part of the Ferris Wheel Press 15th Anniversary Celebration Series. Click the link and use code JA-JWA for a discount. Thanks @ferriswheelpress for the ink. #sponsored #ferriswheelpress #mostmagicalink #bestink  #fwpambassador #calligraphy #ink #inkswatching #handwriting #cursive #letteringpractice #lettering #fountainpen #fountainpens #fountainpenink #satisfying  #handlettering #letteringcommunity #calligraphylovers #calligraphylettering…

  • Recovering From The Flu In My Hobonichi Dailies

    Recovering From The Flu In My Hobonichi Dailies

    So I caught the flu and have been completely stuck in bed for days. I’m still waiting to get better but thought I’d just share the past few days to get back into a routine. I miss normal life! 🤧 📜 @hobonichi_global Hobonichi Cousin planner 🖋️ @pelikan_passion Brilliant Black Ink @pilotpenusa Vanishing Point #plannercommunity #dailyplanner…

  • Winter Sticker Hobonichi Daily Spread

    Winter Sticker Hobonichi Daily Spread

    I somehow forgot I had my own winter sticker sheet I could have been using this whole month to decorate with. 😅 Oops! 📜 Hobonichi cousin planner #planning #journals #hobonichi #hobonichitecho #hobonichicousin #hobonichiavec #plannerspread #planneraddict #bulletjournal #bujo #journaling #journal #planner #handwriting #bulletjournaling #lettering #plannercommunity

  • Hobonichi Daily and New Sticker Sheet

    Hobonichi Daily and New Sticker Sheet

    Finished a new sticker sheet… spring doodles are live in the shop now! Just one more season to complete the collection. 📜 @hobonichi_global Hobonichi Cousin planner #plannercommunity #dailyplanner #hobonichi #hobonichicousin #hobonichitecho #plannerlove #plannerspread #creativeplanning #stationeryaddict #fountainpen #ink #penandpaper #planneraddict #journalingcommunity #handwriting #bulletjournal #bulletjournaling #journalspread #penaddict #plannergoals

  • New Ink For My Hobonichi

    New Ink For My Hobonichi

    Switching to a “dry” ink has made a world of difference with this pen—thanks for the advice! 📜 @hobonichi_global Hobonichi Cousin planner 🖋️ @pelikan_passion Brilliant Black Ink @pilotpenusa Vanishing Point #plannercommunity #dailyplanner #hobonichi #hobonichicousin #hobonichitecho #plannerlove #plannerspread #creativeplanning #stationeryaddict #fountainpen #ink #penandpaper #planneraddict #journalingcommunity #handwriting #bulletjournal #bulletjournaling #journalspread #penaddict #plannergoals

  • Life is Lifing in my Hobonichi Cousin

    Life is Lifing in my Hobonichi Cousin

    A mix of ‘crushing website tasks’ on Wednesday and just ‘getting through the day’ on Thursday. Both count as progress, right? 🌱 What’s one thing you got done this week? 📜 @hobonichi_global Hobonichi cousin planner #PlannerCommunity #DailyPlanner #Hobonichi #PlannerSpread #ProductiveDays #PlannerLove #PlannerAddict #CreativePlanning #StationeryAddict #PlannerGoals #MidWeekMotivation #planning #journals  #hobonichitecho #hobonichicousin #hobonichiavec #plannerspread  #bulletjournal #bujo #journaling #journal…