Tag: penandink
Carousel Inkwell And Sage Advice Ink Swatching
New video on my Patreon page. Sage Advice. I backed a kickstarter for this inkwell by Ferris Wheel Press a ways back and I finally got it in the mail today. It’s such a fun design. You can set it on the lid to spin your ink up and then tilt it to use for…
Hello: Real Time Calligraphy Video
New video on my Patreon page. Day 12: Hello! More new ink testing. I didn’t shake this one as vigorously as the others so I think the consistency was slightly thin. (But last time I got so many bubbles!) Should have found a stick and stirred it up a tad more. Still a beautiful rich…
Majuscule H
New video on my Patreon page. Day 8: H. Trying to learn a fancy majuscule (uppercase) H for the first time. It’s all one stroke so definitely a tricky one. Does this happen to anyone else? Why is the first the best?! Psst- I have a discount link with code JWA in my bio for…
Hello August
New video on Patreon Day 1: Hello August. I got new ink for my dip pen so I obviously had to use it immediately. Such a soft pretty blue. I have a discount link with code JWA in my bio for 10% at FWP. (Not sponsored. Bought these with my own money.) 🖋@jetpens Brause 361…