Tag: CreatewithEssy

  • Gratitude

    Watch video here: https://youtube.com/shorts/u7OCWDIDfCA?si=M21oCwuVANBWWjb5 Day 4: gratitude. Going back to basics with a simple style. Maybe some simplicity is what I need to reignite my passion for calligraphy and lettering. (Click the link in the bio and use code JWA for a 10% discount off at Ferris Wheel Press.) 🖋️ @kaweco.germany Sport fountain pen @ferriswheelpress…

  • Happy Halloween

    Watch video here: https://youtube.com/shorts/ppSvr1BYTFQ?si=FdDzIaBjDMDTgzeY Day 31: Happy Halloween! 🎃👻 I’m not really feeling the Halloween vibes this year. I think the weather was too warm. Anyone else? I didn’t decorate a thing, or carve any pumpkins, or watch any scary movies… nothing. So this is a vid from last year. Maybe next year I’ll be…

  • Chase Your Passion

    New video on my Patreon page. Day 27: chase your passion. Love this soft brown color. I wish I had some aged parchment looking paper to go with the whole vibe. Maybe I’ll have to tea stain some paper for another day. 🖋 @fountain_pen_revolution Himalaya V2-Chrome with Steel EF Ultra Flex nib @ferriswheelpress Oyster Hour…

  • Inspire and Uplift

    New video on my Patreon page! Day 20: inspire and uplift. Glossy shiny liquid candy. I love these pens. 🖤 I got a new case for my phone and it doesn’t fit in my tripod so I’ve been taking my phone out… but now it’s too loose and it wiggles.😅 Oh boy! 🖋 @sakuraofamerica Glaze…

  • Hello Spring

    Day 21: hello Spring. I’m ready for the warm up. I’m ready to put my winter scarf and gloves away. I’m ready to get my toes in the sun. ☀️ 🖊 @karinmarkers DecoBrush Pigment Pastel and Brushmarker Pro Grey @tombowusa Mono Drawing Pen @sakuraofamerica White Gel Pen 📜 @cansonusa Marker XL Watermark by @rees.designs For…

  • Be Present

    Day 20: be present. I think these markers are just so captivating to watch as they become opaque. A very zen material for a very zen prompt today. 🖊 @tombowusa Fudenosuke Pastel 📜 @ranger_ink Black Journal Watermark by @rees.designs For #CreatewithEssy @essy_creates #lettering #calligraphy #brushlettering #brushpen #brushmarker #handwriting  #calligraphylettering #calligraphylovers #dailylettering #dailyletteringchallenge #handlettering #ilovelettering #letteringstyle…