Tag: fudenosuke

  • Death and Taxes

    Day 6: death and taxes. You know how the saying goes: “but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” – Ben Franklin. Spent the weekend dealing with the 13th anniversary of my dad’s death and doing my taxes. 😮‍💨The taxes are MUCH more complicated now that I have…

  • Bee Mine

    Day 12: bee mine. 🐝 I’ve never been stung by a bee or wasp. Partially due to chronic anxiety and partially because I’m an indoor kind of lady. 🤓 Anyone else? 🖋 @tombowusa Fudenosuke, Pastel, and Mono Drawing Pen 📜 @cansonusa Marker XL Watermark by @rees.designs For #juststartletteringchallenge @asklettering @melanie4816_art #calligraphy #brushlettering #brushpen #fudenosuke #brushcalligraphy…

  • Cherish

    Day 10: cherish. Going for simplicity today with a small brush pen style. For some reason my camera didn’t love filming the pastel colors… they really are soft and light like in the picture at the end. 🖊 @tombowusa Fudenosuke Pastel 📜 @rhodianotebooks Graph paper Watermark by @rees.designs For #liveandletterchallenge @liv.loves.letters  @letterbeseen @handartgal #lettering #calligraphy…