Tag: handmadewatercolors

  • Hello March

    Day 1: Hello March. Orange and green. Or red and gold? Both! 🖊️ @sakuraofamerica white gel pen 🎨 @iuilewatercolors Super Chrome Color Shift buttons 🖌 #2 liner brush 📜  @strathmoreart Black Mixed Media Vellum Watermark by @rees.designs For #letteringforfunchallenge @happyletteringtanya @crafty.lil.panda #LetterWithJenAndDeej @jenklu.art @DigitalDeetsByDeej #shinewithletters @its_.calligraphy #OHANALETTERINGCHALLENGE @letteringwithsuzy @handletteredsunshine @theprettinessproject #lettering #calligraphy #brushlettering #brushcalligraphy #handmadewatercolors…

  • Admire

    Day 2: admire. I love the limited color palette of this entire month. I get to use all the types of pinks, purples, and reds I have. I know I’ll deviate for a few pieces but… sometimes it’s just easier to have constraints on your creativity so you don’t get stuck in the dreaded overwhelm.…

  • Imagine

    Day 13: Imagine. Started out with a magic water pen but it wasn’t picking up enough of the paint so I switched to a brush. 🖊️ @sakuraofamerica Glaze pen 🎨 @iuilewatercolors Super Chrome Color Shift buttons 🖌 @thepigeonletters Round #4 Brush 📜  @legionpaper Stonehenge Aqua Coldpress Black #legionpaper Watermark by @rees.designs For #juststartletteringchallenge @asklettering #lettering…