Tag: goodnotes

  • Plan With Me

    New video on my Patreon page. A little preview of how I do my digital planning so far (I just started this month so I’m sure it will evolve). I find tracking tasks and appointments easier in the digital format. More of my journaling is ending up on paper because it feels more like a…

  • Paper vs Digital Planning And Journaling Experiment

    My thoughts so far… The paper vs digital experiment continues. I wrote a bit about the differences in my paper journal and so far the results are… I like both. 😅 My biggest concern with using both is if I ever want to reference one specific “something” that I wrote one day, but I can’t…

  • Digital and Traditional Journaling Experiment

    I’m doing a little experiment this month comparing traditional and digital journaling/planning. So each day I switch it up (or do both). Curious what you use (if any) out there? Thoughts so far: Digital is great because I always have my phone on me. If anything quickly pops into my mind I can add it…