Compound Curve Drills 2023

Practicing the compound curve. Todays drills are in black and my drills from 2021 are the blue.

I must admit today my creativity wanted a day off. I also must admit that I don’t practice my calligraphy drills at all anymore. 😔 But this is the last time @thehappyevercrafter is running a live semester so I wanted to participate when I can.

I tried using the @tombowusa Fudenosuke with the soft tip this time. I almost never use it. The hard tip is what I initially learned with and I don’t have any problems using it. But the soft tip felt like the challenge I needed today. What do you think? Can you tell a difference from 2021 to today? I feel like they look mostly the same but I know how stressed I was the first time I learned and this time was a lot smoother and easier.

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