New video on Patreon
Day 1: Hello August. I got new ink for my dip pen so I obviously had to use it immediately. Such a soft pretty blue.
I have a discount link with code JWA in my bio for 10% at FWP. (Not sponsored. Bought these with my own money.)
🖋@jetpens Brause 361 Steno Blue Pumpkin Nib
@speedball_calligraphy Oblique Nib Holder
🎨 @ferriswheelpress Calligraphy Ink in Borrowed Blue
📜 @cansonusa Marker XL
Watermark by @rees.designs
#foreverfridayartlettering @forever_friday_art
#lettercolorful @_creative.escape @kat.illy
#Artjourneywithmelettering @artjourneywithme
#CreatewithESSy @essy_creates
@happyletteringtanya @crafty.lil.panda
#shinewithletters @its_.calligraphy
#OHANALETTERINGCHALLENGE @letteringwithsuzy @handletteredsunshine @theprettinessproject
#justmedorilettering @justmedori
#juststartletteringchallenge @asklettering @writingwithdana
#calligraphy #lettering #moderncalligraphy #dippen #pointedpen #brausesteno #bluepumpkin #nib #penandink #handwriting #letteringpractice #satisfying #handlettering #letteringcommunity #calligraphylovers #calligraphylettering #letteringchallenge #modernletteringpractice #ilovelettering #dailylettering #letteringart #dailyletteringchallenge
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